
aresI started CrossFit Vacaville around mid-November 2014. A week prior I reachedmy peak weight of 160lbs, was smokingnearly a pack of cigarettes a day, eatingbecause I was bored, and had a nightlyroutine of a pint of fudge core Ben andJerry’s ice cream and a Netflix binge. Ifelt horrible and unhealthy to the pointwhere walking upstairs to my class onthe second story left me winded, andmy weight was constantly gaining Ifigured I needed to do something aboutit before I looked in the mirror and feltlike there was no hope. I triedtraditional gym memberships before. Itwasn’t my thing.

I went into CrossFit knowing it was atough love environment and my excuseswouldn’t be pitied, and I would bepushed to earn what I want: a healthybody. And


CrossFit Vacaville did not let medown. The coaches truly careabout your health. Every time Igo in I’m greeted by name, andthey also notice when I don’tcome in for a few days, and I getchided on that. They hold youaccountable and that, in itself, isa large portion of the motivation.I’ve never been so sore and I’venever sweat so much, but I havenever seen results like this insuch a short amount of time. Alittle over two months ago I wasa 160lb binge eating, chainsmoker. I’ve lost 20 pounds. I’mstarting to see muscle show. I haven’t touched a cigarette since Istarted CrossFit, since the WODs definitely require my full lungcapacity. I’ve gotten over my sugar addiction and for once eatinghealthy doesn’t feel like dieting. I’m 21 and for once I actually feel likeI’m in my prime.

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