
Strength– Single arm KB OHS SOTS Press 8-5-3 (both sides)

Workout of the Day
WOD 1000m Row *EMOM do 1 burpee, 2 burpees, 3 burpees, etc. (adv. burpees to 6” target) (adv. 2,000m Row)
Set rowers to count down from 1000m. Once clock starts, row hard. Right at the 1:00 mark everyone gets off rower and does 1 burpee, then hurries back on and continues rowing. At the 2:00 mark they get off rower, do 2 burpees, and hurry back on. This continues until either: 1000m is complete, OR they cannot finish the burpees before the next minute starts.
Score = time or reps of burpees last completed

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