4 Rounds
200m Run
1 Round of “Cindy” (5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Squats)
Workout of the Day
Description- Complete as many reps as possible within the time allowed. If the athlete completes the round before the 4 minutes is up, the athlete earns another 4-minute time extension and immediately starts round 2. The athlete then has until the clock hits 8 minutes to complete round 2, and if round 2 is completed before the 8-minute mark, the athlete will earn another 4 minutes. If the athlete finishes round 3 before the 12-minute mark, they will earn a final 4-minute time extension. If the athlete reaches the clean & jerks in the 4th round the athlete will perform AMRAP clean & jerks until the workout is over at 16 minutes. See details for each level.
• 20 Box Jump Overs | Step Overs
• 15 Toes to Bar | Anchored Toes to Bar | Sit Ups
• 10 Clean & Jerks (weight increases each time)
Link with more details – https://challengeseries.lurongliving.com/summertime16/blog/announcements/115-workout