Great job to all our competitors last night who participated in the partner competition finals & to our WINNERS, Ben & Lauren!
Partner Final Workout:
One partner works at a time.
Men: 20lb/10’ target; Women: 14lb/9’ target
100 Wall Ball (split btw partners)
EMOM both partners must complete 5 Burpees
*Partners must switch every minute
Immediately follow with…
100 Wall Ball (split bet partners)
One partner works, while the other partner does a deadlift hold.
Men: 200lb; Women: 100lb
*Switch whenever partner drops bar
– Wall Ball reps will NOT count if partner is not in a deadlift hold, or is breaking position.
– Deadlift hold cannot rest on legs (legs, and arms must remain straight with opens open)
Movement Requirements:
• In the wall-ball shot, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target (10’ for men/9’ for women)
• Bottom of Burpee: At the bottom position the Athlete’s chest and hips must touch the ground.
Top of Burpee: Athlete must jump and open hips fully.
• Deadlift hold – Arms and legs must remain straight with hips open