Friday Night Hero Showdown

“A Partner Competition”

Join us for a Veteran’s Day (same-sex) Partner Competition! The competition will follow with Pizza and drinks – BYOB!!

Awesome PRIZES from The Fitness Armory!!!! SIGN-UP AT THE GYM!

For the workout, we will be doing a modified version of the “Three Wise Men” to support our Veterans!
The Three Wise Men Veterans Foundation is named in honor of Jeremy Wise, Ben Wise and Beau Wise. We stand with veterans who survived combat as they not only survive but thrive in the peace that follows. We advocate for public policy to ensure the commitment made to our veterans is honored. We raise awareness of the problems our veterans face and directly tackle the stigma associated with post traumatic stress by helping connect them with needed services. And we build alliances and partnerships with other veteran non-profits to help address the problems of employment, housing and education.

The Workout

16 Minutes Total
One partner works, while one rests (except with partner exercises) – switch as needed
“Jeremy Wise”
AMRAP in 4 Minutes
5 Ground to Overhead (RX – 95/65lbs) (Scaled – 65/45lbs)
10 Burpees Over Partner Plank – One partner will hold a plank position, while the other partner does a burpee then jumps over the partner holding the plank position. (RX – must leave and land from both feet & jump over partners torso area) (Scaled – must leave and land from both feet but can jump over any area of partner)

“Ben Wise”
AMRAP in 4 Minutes
10 Power Cleans (RX – 95/65lbs) (Scaled – 65/45lbs)
20 Pull-Ups (RX – Unassisted) (Scaled – Banded, partners will each use band they normally use)

“Beau Wise”
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
15 Box Jump & Overs (RX -24”/20”) (Scaled – 24”/20” – Step-up & Overs)
30 Partner Wall Ball Shots – One partner holds medicine ball and drops to a full depth squat, then stands and throws the medicine ball target. The rep is complete when the second partner catches the medicine ball. The second partner then completes a wall ball, and the first partner must catch and continue – *If ball drops, the rep will NOT count. (RX – 20/14lbs) (Scaled – Push Ball (no squat) 20/14lbs)
Score is the total number of reps completed for all three parts.


Partners can split reps however they decide, as long as one is working and one resting (except for burpees and wall ball).

Ground to Overhead-
(from ground to overhead anyway)
Barbell must start at ground, the overhead position is when knees and hips are fully extended, arms are locked out overhead and the bar is over or behind the heels.

Burpees Over Partner Plank-
Each burpee must be performed perpendicular (head facing) to partner holding a plank position. The athlete’s chest and hips must touch the ground. Athlete will jump over partner (full hip extension over partner is not required)You must jump over your partner from both feet and land on both feet (RX must jump over torso area, Scaled can jump over any area of partner, including feet). One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted.

Power Cleans-
The barbell begins on the ground. Touch and go is permitted. No bouncing.
The barbell must come up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended.

This is a standard pull-up. Dead-hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are all allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. At the bottom, the arms must be fully extended. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.

Box Jump AND Overs-
Each rep begins with a two-footed jump. One-footed jumps and step-ups are not permitted.The athlete will jump and land on the box, must reach FULL HIP EXTENSION, then jump off the box to the other side.

Partner Wall Ball-
Squat must be below parallel. If partner does not catch the ball or if ball drops, the rep DOES NOT COUNT. Check out video below for a demo…

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